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How to Get DSLR Photos with your Point and Shoot

There are several things you can and should do to get the most out of the images from your point-and-shoot camera. If you use it correctly, people won’t be able to tell if you used a point and shoot or an expensive DSLR. Camera setting suggestions Your point and shoot from comes with scene settings like the DSLR. Some of these scenes may include beach, pets, parties, food, landscape, etc. They optimize the camera for different situations, such as sports shooting or nighttime shooting. You may want to use these for better pictures. Manufacturers include these settings to make photography as simple as possible for you. Try not to use your flash. The flash is usually too harsh and washes out the subject. You might end up with a picture of flat quality without any shadows where needed. Natural lighting is always your best bet. Dimly lit places are places where your camera is quite limited. Point and shoot cameras can’t take high definition shots when the lighting is low and that’s where the flash comes in. Find your camera’s “custom white balance” setting, and measure it against a white poster board background. Do this every time you start shooting. If you can’t find this on your camera, it’s worth taking the time and searching for it in your manual. It will make a HUGE difference in your photos. When you’re zooming in with your point and shoot from, be sure to only use optical zoom. Digital zoom degrades image quality. If your camera has it, disable it. Most point and shoots have three different types of focusing modes: face detection, center spot, and continuous focusing. You can tell where your camera has achieved focus when the little square displayed on the LCD changes color to green, or you hear a confirmation beep. Techniques When you think you’re in close enough, get closer. Don’t be afraid to get up close and personal with your objects. Press your shutter button halfway down to lock in the exposure and focus. To help keep the photo still, take a deep breath before hitting the shutter button, and hold it while you snap the picture. Exhale afterward. If the situation allows for it, a tripod is always the best choice. With fewer filters and ways of manipulating your cameras settings, use your body as a camera trick. Don’t just go for a shot where your subject is right in front of you. Play around with different angles. Kneel or lie down to get a better view from the ground. Stand on a chair or ladder to create depth and illusion. Go behind a bush to create a rustic frame. Remember that sometimes less is more. Some photographers love using wide angle lenses, and cramming as much into a scene as possible. Sometimes you need to zoom in the focus on the main elements of a scene. Use these tips to turn your inexpensive point and shoot into a silent DSLR camera.

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