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How to Help Your Clients Choose the Best Images

How to Help Your Clients Choose the Best Images

nYou’ve reached the end of a photo edit and are ready to share the images with your clients. Help clients easily select their favorite images by learning to remove certain unnecessary photos and choose the best ones. Editing doesn’t simply mean retouching, but literally filtering – sorting the great from the fantastic. If you show too many images, clients become overwhelmed and aren’t able to choose what they really love. Here are some tips on how to choose your best images that your clients will like.


Go Small, THEN Go Big
Scale your collection of images down to a relatively small size, just slightly larger than thumbnail. When you view your images at this size, details fall away, but larger issues become more obvious; like framing, angle, composition, dead space. Also it’s easier to spot similarities to photos next to each other. Once you’ve done this and gotten rid of the ones with blatant issues, it’s important to get big, really big. Going large will take a photo you think is great, and show up issues that on a smaller frame you would miss. Some examples are slight motion blur of a key point, distracting clutter, or unflattering facial expressions. There really is no substitute for seeing your images large. Getting an ultrawide monitor can be invaluable because it shows flaws you wouldn’t easily see otherwise.


Do It Quickly
When you’re in your collection viewing the small size, it’s really helpful to quickly scan your images. Anything blatant that you missed through your Sigma lens from will stand out, and makes it easier to just remove that image out of the process. This is even a good idea to do after you think you’ve found the chosen few you’d like to present. Here are just a few little things to look for in photos as you’re scanning, especially in the thumbnail view.

 Distracting bits of clutter
From unwanted people, to stains, structures, or even colors and textures. Anything that takes away from the focal point of the photo.


Frame issues
Keep an eye out to make sure the frame of your photos isn’t cutting someone off at strange spots like the middle of an arm. Also watch for things coming into the frame you don’t want, like a branch, a light, or camera gear.

Odd expressions and things coming out of people’s bodies
This one you may need to get a larger view for, but it happens all the time. From branches, to something in the far off background that in the photo can look like it’s growing out of someone’s arm or head.

Empty space
While often a useful composition tool, poor execution can ruin a photo.  A quick glance is usually all you’ll need to spot this one.


Star rating
If you’re having a really hard time giving photos up, give them star ratings as you go through them. Five stars for definite keepers and four stars for maybes. If you end up with more five stars than needed, let the four stars go. Sometimes it’s easier to let them go after you’ve given them a fair trial. One of the most time-consuming and difficult things in photography is going through all the unedited images you took with your Canon EOS 80D you purchased for 44% off at and choosing your best photos, the ones to keep, and which images to pass by. These simple tips can save you and your clients a lot of time and headaches.
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