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How to Take Good Fall Foliage Pictures

How to Take Good Fall Foliage Pictures

Autumn creates the perfect window of opportunity for photographers to showcase their skills or work on improving their techniques. Here are some helpful tips to help you take advantage of this breathtaking season so you can create some unique fall foliage shots.

The Sun is NOT Your Friend
It’s best to take your fall foliage shots during the beginning or near the end of the day. Trying to take fall foliage shots when the sun is high in the sky, and with no clouds, will cause harsh shadows to appear in your fall foliage images. If you have no other option than to shoot when the sun is shining, bring along a polarizer. This will allow you to adjust the intensity of the blue in the sky and also deepen the saturation of colors of the fall foliage.  


Do Some Climbing
Autumn landscapes are even more breathtaking if captured from above. If you don’t have a drone on hand, you may need to put your climbing skills to the test.  If you’re shooting in town, find a tall building and shoot from the window. Sometimes just positioning yourself a little higher by using a ladder or a large rock makes a world of difference.

Get a Little Closer
It’s easy to get caught up in the big, beautiful fall foliage landscape that you miss the little details. You can take remarkable close-ups of fall foliage with your Nikon  Lens from Macro shots of the texture and veins on a leaf, spongy mushrooms and fallen acorns make great subjects for close-up photography.

Experiment with Your Lenses
Now that you’ve gotten up close and personal with your macro photography, try capturing more of the fall foliage scene. Wide angle lenses are great for photographing fall foliage because they can exaggerate the view making it look even more impressive. An ultra-wide angle zoom lens like the compact and lightweight Nikon lens is ideal for sprawling fall landscapes. Don’t forget to bring along your Nikon Telephoto Zoom either. Use your telephoto lens when you climb to a higher vantage point.

foliage photography

Fall Foliage Bokeh
Fall is the perfect time to use a wide aperture to create some outstanding bokeh images. You can choose to focus on a single tree letting the colorful leaves on the trees beyond create a mosaic of shapes and colors. Or use the vibrant colors as a backdrop for an outdoor portrait session.

Don’t Stop When the Leaves Disappear
If you missed the peak color on the trees, don’t put your Nikon camera from away just yet. Sometimes the best fall photography images are taken when the trees stand bare and fallen leaves carpet the forest floor. After the leaves have all fallen is also a great time to take fall shots of streams and waterfalls with rocks covered in leaves. The fall foliage photography window is short. Grab your camera gear, and get out there!
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