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Selfie Tips from Photographers

Selfies can liven up vacation scenery shots, make a sporting event so much more fun, and capture that beautiful sunset at the end of the day. There’s no end to the number of different kinds of shots you can get. If you’ve taken way more bad selfies than good ones, you’re not alone. You will be able to take better selfies just by learning some simple tips from real photographers.

Selfie Tips from Photographers

Make sure your eyes are in focus

Eyes are the most interesting part of a portrait. People naturally want to make eye contact since eyes communicate emotions and personality. When eyes are out of focus in a photo, it causes a feeling of disconnectedness.

Shoot from above

Just before taking the shot, lift your camera or phone from slightly above eye level. This quick trick gives a playful, interesting angle to your shot, allowing the light to play off of your cheekbones and making your eyes look just a little bit larger. A great way to add a little more “sparkle” to your shot!

Selfie Tips from Photographers

Get the lighting right

Know how those selfies you snap in the car always tend to look amazing? That’s because the inside of a car usually has great lighting because it’s shaded from harsh sunlight, but with plenty of daylight to illuminate your shot. You can get that gorgeous look every time by setting your selfies up in an area bathed with natural, diffused light. Inside, you can face a large window or head outdoors and stand in a shaded area. Doing so will give you a natural glow, and give you beautiful photos every time.

Look for interesting backgrounds

Different colors, scenes, textures, and activities make your images more captivating even if the goal of your selfies is to share your different outfits or hair looks. Seeing your entire social media page filled with similar photos in one spot like your bathroom mirror isn’t as interesting to look at and may not give the best impression.

Unclutter the background

Something unflattering in the background will distract the viewer from focusing on you. This includes people doing embarrassing things behind you to your toilet showing up in the background of your bathroom mirror selfie.

Use the timer mode

This also gives your selfies a bit more variety than the typical arm-length shots. Use your tabletop tripod or camera selfie stick from to help create distance to include more of your body and the scene.

Watch for reflective surfaces

A reflective surface like your sunglasses, could reveal more than you want to.

Express yourself

Smile, frown, pout, or make a silly face. A variety of expressions is more interesting to look at.

Selfie Tips from Photographers 

Learning how to pose for a selfie will make a much bigger difference in how you look in the photo than any filter or app. Try out these selfie tips and put those successful selfies on display!

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