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What Makes a Good Camera Lens?

The quality of the lens that you put on your camera will have a direct effect on the quality of your final image. If you strive for higher quality, you...

What is the Best Way to Take Landscape Pictures?

Taking landscape pictures may seem simple when you’re surrounded by so much natural beauty in the outdoors. But to really take a great photo, one that you want to share...

Tips for Better Portrait Photography

Whether it’s a friend, family member, a model, or a perfect stranger, a well taken portrait tells us stories, creates some mystery or brings up some memories. Good portraits also...

Gear Up for Spring Break Photo Opps with the Best Wide Angle Lenses!

If you’re packing your bags and heading on spring break in the next few weeks, you’ll no doubt be capturing some photos of your adventures. Thanks to advances in wide...

10 Do’s and Don’ts of Digital Photography

So, you’ve just invested in a new camera. But all of those settings and icons are a bit overwhelming? No need to fret! Know that this hobby can really be...

Delicious Food Photography Tips to Avoid Common Mistakes

Food photographers are hungry to make food look beautiful. Photos of food should make you want to grab that dish and gulp it down. But sadly there are some food...

15 Bright Ideas to Help You Look More Photogenic

In today’s social media-obsessed world, it’s safe to say that knowing how to be photogenic is extremely important. What’s the point of having an Instagram account if you don’t look...

Avoiding Common Mistakes when Photographing People

Here is a quick list of some of the top mistakes newbies make when photographing people. Whether you are shooting posed portraits for special occasions, or candid photos of your...

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