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How to Take Care of Your Camera in Cold Weather

From snow-covered trees and landscapes, to winter sports and snowmen with carrot noses, winter provides an endless number of photography opportunities. Despite the sub-zero temperatures that come with photographing snow...

Best Computers for Photo Editing

All the gifts have been unwrapped, and the families have returned home. You captured all of the amazing memories of Christmas 2020 with your camera. It’s time to sit down...

Travel Photography- What to Pack?

As restrictions begin to lift and people begin to emerge from lock-down, it’s time to start thinking about making travel plans once again. If you’re a travel photographer, this means...

5 Essential Pieces of Gear Every Beginner Photographer Needs

Finding the best photography equipment for beginners can be overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be. It helps to have the right gear to learn on which is why we...

Phone Photography 101

Do you want to learn how to take good photos with your phone? Taking pictures with iPhones or any smartphone may seem daunting. But with a few simple tricks, you’ll...

What to Gift Someone Who Loves Photography?

Everyone knows that photography can be an expensive hobby. So with that in mind, consider buying a gift for a photographer friend of yours to make them feel special. Here...

What is a Good Gift for a Graduate?

It's that time of year again – graduation season! Which means you need to figure out what to give as a graduation gift. Graduates are about to enter the terrifying...

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