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Tips for Taking Bad Weather Photography

Tips for Taking Bad Weather Photography

For many photographers, bad weather is synonymous with bad photography. Rain and wind are the type of conditions that most of us don’t want to be out in, let alone shooting in. Just because the skies are gray and the light is dull doesn't mean you still can't capture good shots. You just have to think a bit differently. Try not to head out with the mindset that you'll be battling bad weather. Instead, think how you can use it to your advantage. Let’s take a look at some ways that you can make the most of these conditions and capture some amazing images.


Most of us don’t look forward to rainy days, but when it comes to photography, the very thing you may be resenting might be just what you need. Raindrops can be very photogenic, and make for some fascinating shots. Capture raindrops in motion or in their still form –clinging to spider webs, dropping off railings, or pooling on plants. Raindrops can also make great macro images. Regardless of where they are found, raindrops can add sparkle to almost any image. To freeze falling raindrops, use a tripod from and a fast shutter speed of around 1/1000 second. For softly streaked drops, slow the shutter speed down to around 1/125 second.

Tips for Taking Bad Weather Photography

Fog and Mist

Fog is perfect for capturing images that have a surreal and mysterious quality. Since fog usually causes dark, dim lighting conditions, you may need to use a longer exposure. Keep in mind that the slower the shutter speed, the more blurred the mist will look. Also, fog often causes the camera’s light meter to decrease the exposure, so you may need to adjust the exposure to compensate.

After the Rain

Reflections are a great way to add extra dimension to an image. Puddles and water can act as mirrors reflecting light and transforming flat lighting conditions into intriguing images. It you’re using a polarizing filter, be sure to take it off when capturing reflections, since these filters cut through reflections in the water.

Tips for Taking Bad Weather Photography

Spectacular Lighting

The lighting that’s often found just after a storm is considered to be some of the best, and can make for spectacular photography. One of the best things about photographing during a storm is dramatic and quickly changing light. Just after a storm when the clouds start to break is often the best time for capturing some amazing landscape images with your DSLR from The light streaming through the clouds often creates a spectacular light show, one that can make for some dramatic and powerful images. While bad weather certainly has its own set of challenges, these conditions are ideal for capturing some unique and dramatic photos.

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